Hainan Airlines: Auckland to Osaka, Japan from $1026 Return (Jul-Sep)

Osaka Castle, Japan

5-star airline to Osaka, Japan! Return fares include checked luggage, and all the frills of the 12th best airline in the world.

See also past user’s most popular hotels in Tokyo, Japan

Auckland – Osaka on Hainan

Dates: 16 Jul 24 – 30 Sep 24

Return PriceTravel Dates
$125216 Jul to 3 Sep
$117024 Jul to 6 Aug
$115627 Jul to 21 Aug
$12059 Aug to 22 Aug
$106729 Aug to 10 Sep
$11201 Sep to 11 Sep
$10264 Sep to 15 Sep
$10264 Sep to 16 Sep
$10715 Sep to 15 Sep

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