Flights from $31(!)) one way, including between most major towns and cities.
Dates in 2019 and 2020 from next month to Jun depending on the route.
Things you need to know
Checked baggage is not included but may be added for a fee. Carry-on baggage limits, including size restrictions, will be strictly applied. Passengers with more than the applicable carry-on baggage allowance will need to check in baggage, and charges will apply.
Prices based on payment by POLi, Jetstar voucher, Jetstar Gift Card, Jetstar Mastercard Australia, Jetstar Platinum Mastercard Australia or Points Plus Pay – Flights (where the total booking is redeemed in Qantas Points) at For all other bookings, a Payment Fee applies. $32 to $42 extra per passenger per flight for 131 538 telephone bookings.
Limited changes are permitted, charges may apply. For applicable fees, see Fare Rules and Fees and Charges. No fees apply where you are entitled to a refund or alternative flight under the Australian Consumer Law or Conditions of Carriage.