Aloha, Beaches! Escape Winter for Hawaii from Sydney $437 Return, Melbourne $451 Return [Jul & Aug]

Oahu, Hawaii

While Fiji Airways is in the mix, Jetstar is the king of this route for price, as evidenced below:

Sydney to Honolulu

Dates: 1 Jul 24 – 31 Aug 24

Return PriceTravel Dates
$9911 Jul to 8 Jul
$8554 Jul to 11 Jul
$8554 Jul to 15 Jul
$88113 Jul to 20 Jul
$68316 Jul to 23 Jul
$50316 Jul to 27 Jul
$46919 Jul to 26 Jul
$46922 Jul to 2 Aug
$43725 Jul to 5 Aug

Melbourne to Honolulu

Dates: 1 Jul 24 – 31 Aug 24

Return PriceTravel Dates
$11911 Jul to 8 Jul
$10984 Jul to 11 Jul
$10674 Jul to 15 Jul
$9867 Jul to 14 Jul
$102510 Jul to 17 Jul
$101510 Jul to 21 Jul
$92813 Jul to 24 Jul
$86516 Jul to 23 Jul
$72216 Jul to 27 Jul
$70719 Jul to 26 Jul
$71122 Jul to 29 Jul
$69722 Jul to 2 Aug
$73125 Jul to 1 Aug
$64925 Jul to 5 Aug
$45128 Jul to 4 Aug
$45131 Jul to 11 Aug

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