Auckland to Shanghai from $452 Return [Jul-Nov] on China Southern Airlines

Shanghai, China

It’d be easier if these Chinese airlines were consistent, but anyway. I previously posted about their deals in 2025, and now look here, we have a price drop from late July to November of this year with CZ. Go figure!

Also compare with Hainan’s prices.

Don’t forget a hotel.

Auckland – Shanghai on China Southern

Dates: 16 Jul 24 – 30 Nov 24

Return PriceTravel Dates
$46316 Jul to 13 Aug
$45217 Jul to 18 Aug
$45218 Jul to 15 Aug
$46422 Jul to 13 Aug
$45522 Jul to 15 Aug
$45222 Jul to 19 Aug
$45324 Jul to 13 Aug
$5079 Aug to 5 Sep
$50713 Aug to 20 Aug
$50713 Aug to 25 Aug
$50729 Aug to 5 Sep
$50729 Aug to 10 Sep
$50710 Sep to 17 Sep
$5071 Nov to 13 Nov
$5071 Nov to 18 Nov
$5081 Nov to 23 Nov
$5031 Nov to 28 Nov
$5075 Nov to 12 Nov
$5085 Nov to 27 Nov
$5079 Nov to 26 Nov
$50313 Nov to 20 Nov
$50713 Nov to 30 Nov

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