Auckland to Bangkok, Thailand from $818 Return [Oct to Dec] on Air China [2x Luggage]


Price war – Air China taking on the great prices from Hainan Airlines to Bangkok. Check out both, as the layover times can vary!

You can also get accommodation in Bangkok starting at $5 a night!

Auckland – Bangkok on Air China

Dates: 1 Oct 24 – 15 Dec 24

Return PriceTravel Dates
$81813 Oct to 11 Nov
$81917 Oct to 5 Nov
$81817 Oct to 14 Nov
$81917 Oct to 23 Nov
$81926 Oct to 5 Nov
$81926 Oct to 14 Nov
$81826 Oct to 23 Nov
$81926 Oct to 2 Dec
$8192 Nov to 12 Nov
$8192 Nov to 21 Nov
$8182 Nov to 30 Nov
$8192 Nov to 9 Dec
$8193 Nov to 13 Nov
$8183 Nov to 1 Dec
$8193 Nov to 10 Dec
$81910 Nov to 20 Nov
$81810 Nov to 8 Dec
$81911 Nov to 21 Nov
$81911 Nov to 30 Nov
$81811 Nov to 9 Dec
$81918 Nov to 28 Nov
$81818 Nov to 7 Dec
$81819 Nov to 8 Dec

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