Jetstar until 8pm: AKL to Brisbane $136, Dunedin $55, Gold Coast $134, Welly $35, Dunedin to AKL $55, Welly to AKL $35

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Friday Frenzy from Jetstar, 8 hours only. All include 7kg carry on. Finishes at 8pm.

Auckland to Brisbane (09 October 2024 – 13 December 2024) from $136
Auckland to Dunedin (14 October 2024 – 31 October 2024) from $55
Auckland to Dunedin (21 November 2024 – 11 December 2024) from $55
Auckland to Gold Coast (06 October 2024 – 16 November 2024) from $134
Auckland to Wellington (18 September 2024 – 08 October 2024) from $35
Dunedin to Auckland (12 October 2024 – 27 October 2024) from $55
Dunedin to Auckland (20 November 2024 – 07 December 2024) from $55
Wellington to Auckland (17 September 2024 – 08 October 2024) from $35

Auckland – Brisbane
Dates: 9 Oct 24 – 13 Dec 24

9 Oct10 Oct11 Oct12 Oct13 Oct14 Oct15 Oct
16 Oct17 Oct18 Oct19 Oct20 Oct21 Oct22 Oct
23 Oct24 Oct25 Oct26 Oct27 Oct28 Oct29 Oct
30 Oct31 Oct1 Nov2 Nov3 Nov4 Nov5 Nov
6 Nov7 Nov8 Nov9 Nov10 Nov11 Nov12 Nov
13 Nov14 Nov15 Nov16 Nov17 Nov18 Nov19 Nov
20 Nov21 Nov22 Nov23 Nov24 Nov25 Nov26 Nov
27 Nov28 Nov29 Nov30 Nov1 Dec2 Dec3 Dec
4 Dec5 Dec6 Dec7 Dec8 Dec9 Dec10 Dec
11 Dec12 Dec13 Dec

Auckland – Dunedin
Dates: 14 Oct 24 – 31 Oct 24

14 Oct15 Oct16 Oct17 Oct18 Oct19 Oct20 Oct
21 Oct22 Oct23 Oct24 Oct25 Oct26 Oct27 Oct
28 Oct29 Oct30 Oct31 Oct

Auckland – Dunedin
Dates: 21 Nov 24 – 11 Dec 24

21 Nov22 Nov23 Nov24 Nov25 Nov26 Nov27 Nov
28 Nov29 Nov30 Nov1 Dec2 Dec3 Dec4 Dec
5 Dec6 Dec7 Dec8 Dec9 Dec10 Dec11 Dec

Auckland – Gold Coast
Dates: 6 Oct 24 – 16 Nov 24

6 Oct7 Oct8 Oct9 Oct10 Oct11 Oct12 Oct
13 Oct14 Oct15 Oct16 Oct17 Oct18 Oct19 Oct
20 Oct21 Oct22 Oct23 Oct24 Oct25 Oct26 Oct
27 Oct28 Oct29 Oct30 Oct31 Oct1 Nov2 Nov
3 Nov4 Nov5 Nov6 Nov7 Nov8 Nov9 Nov
10 Nov11 Nov12 Nov13 Nov14 Nov15 Nov16 Nov

Auckland – Wellington
Dates: 18 Sep 24 – 8 Oct 24

18 Sep19 Sep20 Sep21 Sep22 Sep23 Sep24 Sep
25 Sep26 Sep27 Sep28 Sep29 Sep30 Sep1 Oct
2 Oct3 Oct4 Oct5 Oct6 Oct7 Oct8 Oct

Dunedin – Auckland
Dates: 12 Oct 24 – 27 Oct 24

12 Oct13 Oct14 Oct15 Oct16 Oct17 Oct18 Oct
19 Oct20 Oct21 Oct22 Oct23 Oct24 Oct25 Oct
26 Oct27 Oct

Dunedin – Auckland
Dates: 20 Nov 24 – 7 Dec 24

20 Nov21 Nov22 Nov23 Nov24 Nov25 Nov26 Nov
27 Nov28 Nov29 Nov30 Nov1 Dec2 Dec3 Dec
4 Dec5 Dec6 Dec7 Dec

Wellington – Auckland
Dates: 17 Sep 24 – 8 Oct 24

17 Sep18 Sep19 Sep20 Sep21 Sep22 Sep23 Sep
24 Sep25 Sep26 Sep27 Sep28 Sep29 Sep30 Sep
1 Oct2 Oct3 Oct4 Oct5 Oct6 Oct7 Oct
8 Oct

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